Engage with suppliers and analyze responses

Browse dashboards and find scores

On the organization profile homepage, click on "Suppliers Dashboard".

Functions available on the REPORTING ENTITIES page:

  1. ASSESSMENT and PLANNING completion statistics (see definition of status below)
  2. Number of reporting entities on your dashboard.
  3. Date at which the reporting dashboard is computed.
  4. Search for an individual reporting entity.
  5. Invite a new reporting entity to take an ASSESSMENT.
  6. Click on an industry segment to view a reporting entity's scorecard for that segment.
  7. Email a reporting entity.
  8. Mark as expired scorecards whose last activity is before a specific date
  9. Download a spreadsheet of all scores.
  10. Toggle to graphical view of reporting entity data.
Interpreting the columns on the dashboard

The Last activity column shows the last time a supplier updated at least one answer on an assessment, or the last time a supplier browsed an assessment page if no answers have been recorded yet.

The Status column shows how far along a supplier has completed the assessment.

The Score column shows the total score from a supplier scorecard. You will also see one of the following in this column:

  • Requested: A supplier was added to your dashboard but the supplier has yet to approve sharing their responses with your organization.
  • N/A: A supplier has not yet answered all questions on an assessment, or is still reviewing their answers and has not yet submitted them by clicking on the "Complete" button.

The # N/A column indicates how many best practices a reporting entity marked as not applicable to them. TSP was designed so that all best practices in an industry segment are relevant to companies in that segment. An unusual number of best practices marked N/A by a supplier should trigger a discussion with that supplier.

The Reporting publicly column indicates if the reporting entity also report publicly their environmental impact and sustainability initiatives.

The # Planned actions column shows the number of best practices selected for improvement.

Functions available on the PERFORMANCE GRAPHS page:

  1. Toggle back to list of reporting entities.
  2. Each bar = average % score for an industry segment. 
Click on a bar to navigate to the industry segment-specific graph.
  3. Each bar = % score for a single reporting entity in an industry segment.
Mouse over bar to see reporting entity name.
Click on a bar to navigate to the reporting entity’s scorecard.

Invite suppliers to take assessment

Go to the reporting dashboard page.

Type the email address of the reporting entity (e.g. supplier) you wish to invite to take an ASSESSMENT (and PLANNING process if desired).

Click the orange ADD REPORTING ENTITY button. The system will generate an template email that you can customize to the recipient.

Turn on auto-reminder for assessment completion

Go to the reporting dashboard page.

Scroll to the bottom of the screen and check the box at the bottom right of the page.

Reading a supplier scorecard

A Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) Core scorecard is composed of 4 parts:

  1. Summary section
  2. Qualitative assessment
  3. Data & metrics
  4. Targets

1. The summary section shows

  • The name of the supplier
  • The contact information for the supplier
  • The date the assessment was completed
  • key questions answered as icons - orange when the question/section was answered affirmatively. grey when the question/section was not answered or answered negatively.

2. The Qualitative assessment section shows answers to invidual Yes/No question with comments and links to supporting documentation.

At the begining of the section, a bar chart shows the number of suppliers in the 0%-25%, 25%-50%, 50%-75%, and 75%-100% score range for that section. Together with the supplier score shown on the right side, one can intuitively grasps where the supplier fit amongst its peers.

3. The Data & metrics section shows tables of reported GHG Emissions, Waste, Water and Energy measured. Reporting this data is currently optional.

4. The Targets section shows the supplier stated targets with regards to GHG Emissions, Water use, Waste generated, Energy consumed and Diverse spend and/or representation.